What we know about Google's Dec 2020 core update

Transfon Team

3 min read
What we know about Google's Dec 2020 core update

Google is rolling out a major core update during 3rd Dec 2020 to 17th Dec 2020. It is called 'the December 2020 Core Update' by Google team.

This is the third wave of Google's core algorithm update in 2020. The previous two was during Jan 2020 and May 2020.

We have seen clear Google search impression changes from Google Search Console around 3rd Dec 2020 on several sites we are managing. But the traffic on the other sites stay the same.

Google core update dec 2020
Google core update dec 2020 saas
Google core update dec 2020 e commerce

The core update has not been mixed with any other feature launches from Google as we know from the sources. It is mainly about recalculating and refreshing, reassessing the page content and ranks.

Google has provided the general guidence about how to improve the page ranks from a website owner's point of view.

Google suggested focusing on the content and user experience instead of wasting too many resources on small tricks.

It is recommended to create content and website user experience following Google’s 'E-A-T' guides: Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness.

About Pubperf:

SEO agencies use Pubperf to audit the page speed of the client's website and optimise based on the recommendations. Then generate an ongoing report for your clients. They are able to show the job they have done on the website.

Digital publishers use pubperf to manage the website performance for a large number of websites. It is important to have a fast website, but it is a pain to keep running page speed report on tons of websites they own. Pubperf team can help with the technical SEO.

Pubperf is a part of Transfon User Experience Platform serve tens of millions of users per day to provide a seamless experience for both users and publishers. Behind Transfon, it is a group of performance and user experience experts. Contact us to know more: [email protected]